György Rába: A Centennial Tribute to a Poetic Intellect

Rába’s work, particularly his “objective” form of poetry, resonated beyond Hungary’s borders, engaging an international audience with its universal themes and intellectual depth. His contributions to literary criticism and translation studies, especially his analysis of translation-paraphrases in “The Beauty of the Unfaithful Ones” (A szép hűtlenek) have influenced scholars and poets worldwide.

Rába’s legacy extends to his translations and studies of foreign poets, including Apollinaire, Cesare Pavese, and Yves Bonnefoy, which have enriched the Hungarian literary canon and provided a bridge between Hungarian and global literary cultures. His works have been translated into German, allowing his poetic voice to reach a broader audience and fostering a cross-cultural literary dialogue.

In Budapest’s XIII. district, a bust statue stands as a testament to Rába’s enduring influence and the esteem in which he is held. As an honorary citizen, this monument in his likeness serves as a physical reminder of his contributions to literature and the community. 

On this significant anniversary, we not only celebrate Rába’s life and works but also reflect on the impact he has had on readers and writers across the globe. His centenary is a celebration of a literary mind that transcended geographical boundaries and continues to live on through his timeless words.