Chuck Norris, the Man Who Shot Down an Enemy Plane with His Finger

Happy birthday, Chuck Norris! The legendary martial artist and actor turns 84 today, but age is just a number for him. He can still roundhouse kick anyone who dares to mess with him. In fact, he doesn’t blow out his candles, he just stares at them until they extinguish themselves. 

Chuck Norris is not only a star of the screen, but also of the internet. He has inspired countless jokes and memes that celebrate his toughness, attitude, and masculinity. These jokes are known as Chuck Norris facts, and they are hilarious and absurd. For example, did you know that Chuck Norris can dribble a bowling ball? Or that he once shot down an enemy plane with his finger, by yelling “Bang!”? 

If you are a fan of Chuck Norris, you will be happy to know that you can see him in person. Well, not exactly him, but a very realistic wax figure of him. The Madame Tussauds museum in Budapest, which opened in 2022, has a section dedicated to him, where you can admire his likeness and pose with him for a photo. 

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